In this tutorial, I'm going to be showing you how to export OvidSP search results to RefWorks, a popular web-based citation management application. So again, these are the search results we got from the search we did in the previous tutorials. First off, I'm going to select the references I want to export to RefWorks, by checking these boxes next to the references. I can also select all references by clicking here, or I can even specify a range of results to be exported. Like this. Now click on the "Export" icon. This time, choose "RefWorks" from the drop-down. Again, I'm going to choose "Complete Reference" for fields, and click "Export Citations" And then if you have already logged into RefWorks, your references will be imported immediately. I have not logged into RefWorks yet, so I am prompted to log in. After I log in, you can see that my references are being imported into RefWorks. Here they are. In the RefWorks display, you can see the "Yale Links" buttons are available here, too, which you can use to access the full-text of articles through Yale libraries. So this is how you export references out of OvidSP to RefWorks. Thanks for watching... I'll see you next time.